Full of Cake and Rage


Photos provided by Trinity Andrew

“It's wild to think that my 2020 resolution this year was to finally get out of the country and travel. If you were to ask me in January if I thought I'd experience a pandemic, falling madly in love every day with my someone I was going to be spending 24/7 with, baking cakes & pies for donations towards justice and working towards abolishing social racism and destroying the patriarchy & white supremacy while maintaining a 9-5 remote job ... I probably wouldn't know what to say. But here we are. I don't think any of us are the same as we were before quarantine. It's tragic to have something so vicious such as a global pandemic to allow us to really see what's going on in the world though. But we're waking up. I've got a lot more learning to do, and I'm proud to not be the same person that I was before any of this. I don't want things to go back to normal. Normal was hell for a lot of people. I'm working for things to constantly get better. ” - Trinity Andrew : @trinityskitchen

  • All cupcake profits go towards social justice and donated directly to @blklivesmatter and continuing to join the fight towards dismantling white supremacy. 


I’m Not Going to Let Us Go Down Like That.


Ultra Violet, City Street