Virtual Dance Parties & Carbs
How is it being a mother during a time like this? Being a chef, I see you two doing a lot of cooking, is there other things that you do to keep occupied that you’d suggest for other families?
“The hardest part for me during self quarantine is for Ada not being able to go back to school to see her friends and have a normal routine. Also for me not being able to see my mom until our 14 days quarantine time is over since my mom is high risk and her immune system is compromised. With technology Ada is able to some connection virtually with her friends. They have zoom classroom time with the teachers. She has FaceTime sessions with her friends and play UNO or draw together and have virtual dance parties. We are lucky to have a yard and dogs and back canyon trails for us to be able to be outside. We are grateful to have a home, food and all the necessities. We have each other and good health so I can’t complaint much.
The upside to the lock down is that I’ve been forced to cook, cook and more cooking. To use all that we have in the pantry, freezer and fridge. To practice less food waste and being creative and staying sane by cooking.
I’m picking baking and making bread which I’m not good at baking.
We are going to get through this together as long as we look after one another and shelter in place.
Once the lock down and we kick covid-19’s butt I’m going to have a big party and hug all my family and friends tight for like ever!” - @happyfishy33