A Place to Retreat to


Susanna reached out to me about being a part of this series and upon arrival was parked a beautiful burgundy red truck that belonged to her father. Asked how she was doing and she mentioned she was having to get ready to leave for work, that means for her it’s hard, she’s not entirely quarantined and lives with her whole family. What is it like being a behavioral therapist at this time and what safety precautions are you having to take?

“I’m not working anymore until further notice we are only allowed to do video chat for our clients but since my client is 4 it wouldn’t work and another client I have is nonverbal right now I won’t be working. I had applied for another job before things got bad and I had gotten the job but I won’t be able to start till everything gets better so that’s one thing I’m looking forward to because it’s a position that is much more different than what I do.

This time though has given me a break has given me time for me to relax it’s stressful to work in the field that I do so it was much needed time for me to be at home and just take care of my mental health. I am able to workout and have spa days - like I do face mask.

So far everyone from my family is healthy and my dads truck has been in the family for 24 years it was my dads but he gave it ton my brother I can’t drive it because it’s stick shift I just remember driving in my dads truck when I was little and having a hard time getting in and out of it since it was high up” - @lopezzz13


Never Truly Alone


Whilst Together