Forever proud to be Italian
They’re loud! They’re proud! My dear friend Massimo can definitely confirm that. : “Having been from in Italy and feeling the effects it can do to your friends and family from over seas is there anything you’d like to say to everyone ?”
“That this is serious! Not just a flu! It is the biggest crisis in my life time in everyone life time since September 11th.
Please Don’t underestimate the gravity of this situation. It is a nightmare! Everyday I skype with my parents back in Italy and everyday I got horrible news! Remember that guy? He is dead remember this other guy? He is sick. And this is a bad way to go alone in a isolation room in an hospital your family can’t come see you you can say goodbye to anyone. They have to cremate you. They notified the family after the fact to avoid problem. They can no even have a funeral. Terrible!” - @masscampana